M.E.R.U. is an Indian NGO, registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. It is a Non-Profit organisation committed to the preservation of pristine Mountain Ecosystems in India. (Learn more..)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

MERU Aims & Objectives

  • To rejuvenate and rebuild step-by-step, extensively degraded and ravaged mountain ecosystems in India, wherever they are located within the country.

  • To try and give healing touches to partially degraded mountain ecosystems and to help them regain their natural glory and splendour.
  • To endeavour to preserve, in all their pristine glory, all such fully or substantially healthy ecosystems.
  • To make the organization and its goal of conservation of Indian mountain ecosystems, a concern of the common people.
  • To work towards ushering in a national level movement for safeguarding the unique environment of the Indian Himalaya.

  • To spearhead such a movement, at the grassroots levels.
  • To utilize and harness native traditional wisdom, born out of a natives bond with his/her earth, for our common cherished goal of conservation.
  • To take up programs for ensuring the protection of endangered species of Himalayan fauna and flaura.
  • To strive tirelessly towards preventing trafficking and poaching of Himalayan wildlife and help agencies enforce measures taken for the same, under 'CITES' (Convention Against International Trade In Endangered Species).
  • To work towards minimizing man-animal conflicts in Himalayan regions and evolve practicable solutions to mitigate such conflicts.
  • To undertake large scale afforestation drives in areas of extensive deforestation and denudation and help other organizations in similar drives with the objective of rejuvenating degraded habitat.
  • To undertake evaluation of economic and social projects in the Indian Himalayan states from an ecological standpoint.
  • To organize peoples resistance if such projects are found to be inimical to the general well being of the environment of these regions.
  • To organize the underprivileged sections of the society and take effective steps for bettering their quality of life, while simultaneously increasing their level of awareness vis-à-vis the necessity of protecting their environment.
  • To sensitize such sections of people with regard to the program content and facilities provided therein under governmental / non-governmental programs, legal provisions etc. for such purposes.
  • To take up all kinds of formal and non-formal educational programs and awareness drives, as per the directives contained in the national policy of education – 1986.
  • To promote the study of environment and environmental conservation as a part of the curriculum of educational institutions and ensure the active participation of school and college students in conservation efforts.
  • To promote all kinds of research in the field of conservation of mountain ecosystems and conduct workshops, seminars, dissemination programs etc. for the same.
  • To act as a watchdog and build pressure on the government (both national and state govts.), if they are found to be reneging their responsibility towards the protection of the environment.
  • To work with the Ministry Of Environment (M.O.E.F.) – Govt. Of India, forest and wildlife departments of the various state govts. of Himalayan states and other similar like-minded N.G.O.’s for the implementation of environmental protection measures in the Indian Himalaya.
  • To cooperate with tour operators in these regions in strengthening the concept of eco-tourism and to press upon adventure tour enthusiasts the need to stick to the Himalayan code of conduct.

  • To encourage organic farming methods (such as polyculture, wormicomposting and the usage of biopesticides) and discourage environmentally unsound agricultural practices.
  • To encourage sustainable energy practices and utilization and help minimize dependence on fossil fuels.
These are some of the objectives that MERU seeks to achieve in the coming years. Needless to add, all our energies will be directed towards the attainment of these aims in the coming years. With the grace of the Almighty, your continued support and our unwavering focus, it is our hope that we'll surely be able to make a difference.

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